French independent designer, a graduate from SVA, initially trained in New York city by American designer Tony Palladino, working primarily with typography, in branding, editorial and book design. 

Clients include
Ateliers d’Art de France, 
Éditions Beaux Arts, 
Éditions Larousse, 
Éditions Solar, 
Éditions Vendémiaire, 
Fundacja Rusz, 
Galerie Collection, 
Galerie du CROUS de Paris, 
Musée d’Ethnologie Régionale de Béthune, 
Vue sur la Ville

Publications / Parutions
Tokyo TDC Vol. 31
Tokyo TDC Vol. 27
A Brief History of the Ampersand by Jan Tschichold + Et & AmpersandsZeug publishing, Paris 2017
27th Brno International Biennial of Graphic Design, Vol. 4
Laurence King & Pyramyd publications
TipoGrafica magazine

Part-time lecturer / Enseignement
Parsons Paris, The New School

For further information, get in touch here.